Saturday, March 29, 2014

As his Story Comes to an End

I just finished the novel, The Nakesake by Jhumpa Lahari and I am not sure what I think about the ending. If you haven’t read or finished reading the novel stop here because there will be some major spoilers in this post.

First of all, I cannot believe the Moushumi cheated on Gogol with Dimitri I thought that they were so perfect for each other and would make them realize and appreciate their culture but that just didn’t happen. Moushumi basically married her rebound.  Eventually Gogol finds out about the affair by accident when she says, “Dimitri says Siena is something out of a fairy tale” (Lahari 282). I wish that she had just gone and told Gogol that she was not happy with their marriage and wanted a divorce. I really like Moushumi as a character and I thought that she would make Gogol happy but now her character just disgusts me. In the end, I was happy that they got a divorce so Gogol can eventually move on with his life and find someone that will make him happy like Sonia and Ben.

In the end I am really happy that Gogol realizes how much his parents did to try to make him happy in America. I really enjoyed the fact that he finally appreciated all that his parents had done for him, how they integrated American traditions and celebrations into their home so that he and Sonia could have a normal childhood.

Just like Gogol I don’t understand how my parents could leave their homes at such a young age to move to America. I simply cannot understand how they were able to leave everything they new, their families and their lives behind to come here. I defiantly have a greater appreciation of what my parents have done for me through reading this book and it seems like Gogol does as well. 

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